Sunday, July 15, 2012

Busy Weekends

This past week flew by. All I can recall is the last two days, which were filled with spontaneous play dates, an impromptu dinner party, and a delicious brunch in the Mission with my friend Brooke, who spent something like 6 hours (and an overnight dough rest) making amazing, yeast-risen, sugar-bomb waffles.

It's great that we can bump into kids and parents in the neighborhood and just invite them over to play for an hour or so. That happened twice this weekend, and it seems now that we're getting to know the parents and kids at Xander's school, we meet people on the street all the time. Forget alcohol, kids and dogs are great social lubricants.

This afternoon, Meredith came over with her little girl, Sasha, who is nearly 9 months old. Kai and Sasha had a nice time lounging around on the grass in the back yard.
Sasha and Kai's picnic.

You look lovely in the hat, my dear. 

Kai may end up being a linebacker,
judging from his girth at 7 months.

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