Here's some more pics of the belly from our Trondheim, Norway trip two weeks ago.
Micah and I started taking HypnoBirthing classes last week. The idea behind this birthing technique is to learn methods of deep relaxation (essentially self-hypnosis) that you can use during labor to reduce or even eliminate the pain. Micah reads relaxation scripts to me and I practice relaxing & listening to affirmations (e.g. "your body and your baby are working together for a calm, peaceful birth"). I have faith that this will really help create a calm joyful birth.
In terms of medicine, I'll be totally willing to have some if I need it, but my first method will be relaxing and letting my body do what it does naturally. I'm pretty excited about the whole process, and very excited to meet the little bugger that is bumping around in my belly.

Look at that Belly
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland