Sunday, December 16, 2012

Twins Separated at Birth

It's undeniable: Kai looks an awful lot like Xander did at his age. So much so, that Micah and I have a hard time figuring out who is who when looking at photos. It's even more challenging since Kai is wearing Xander's hand-me-downs. For example, if  (Great)Grandma Connie wasn't in this photo below, it would be hard for me to identify that 1-year-old as Xander. From the side, they look exactly alike to me.

Great-grandma Connie meeting one of her great-grandsons. 
Which brings me to my idea for this post, which will be slowly realized over the next week when I get some time: Recreate Xander's photos with Kai as the subject.

Until then, I leave you with a picture where they are very easy to distinguish. If only Xander would stop clowning around long enough for me to get a normal picture of him.

Family bath time is right up there with family meals, family story time, and family  bed.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kai Birthday Weekend

We had a small, informal party for Kai today. Though none of the one-year-olds we invited could attend (nap issues) Kai did have fun with the big kids from Xander's preschool and across the street. Plus, the Magic Chocolate Flan cake was amazing.

Majorly decadent cake for a 1-year old.

Blowing out the candle.

Happy birthday, Kai!
After the party, Kai napped, Micah cleaned up, and Xander and I went to buy a Christmas tree and play in the park. It was short-sleeves weather--unusual for the Bay Area this time of year.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Kai, aka Kai-bo, Kaibertalicious, Baby Kai, and all manner of other nicknames is turning one year old on Wednesday. Hard to believe the little man is already one. The luscious days of lying on the floor watching him learn how to move his fingers, focus his eyes, reach for objects, smile, coo, roll over, get on hands and knees, crawl, and reach for me with all his energy were too rare. I had (have) very little uninterrupted quality time with Kai; this is a poignant milestone. How did he grow so fast?

We will be celebrating this Sunday with three other families. I plan on making a stellar cake from the latest issue of Cooks Country: magic chocolate flan cake. Let's hope it looks like their photos and not some monstrosity from Cake Wrecks.*

I present some photos of the boy.

Mom, these spicy Indian pickles sure are good.

Seriously, do you think this seatbelt is going
to prevent me from launching out of this chair
when you have your back turned?

I have out-standing musical abilities. (Rimshot, please)

This brilliant idea gave mom fifteen minutes to cleanhousedolaundrytakeshowerputawaygroceries
Guess what mom? It's an up-the-backer!

* If you have not seen Cake Wrecks, please indulge in my favorite post: Falker Satherhood. It hurts my tummy, I laugh so hard.