Monday, November 30, 2009
New Words, New Activities!
daddy (dahdee)
mama (mamamama or muhmuhmuh or general fussiness)
hi daddy (hadahdee - he really treats this like one word)
hi (hah - kind of like a southern gentleman)
ball (baah - sometimes with the l)
wow (wow)
He also understands a lot more than he can say. For example, Micah or I can say, "no, Xander, that's not for babies" when he tries to reach for something bad--say the computer cord--and he stops, checks to see if we mean it, and usually ends up going somewhere else. He looks for the kitty when we say, where's the kitty? He comes over to us if we ask him to. He waves goodbye if someone leaves, or if we ask him to. He understands sign language for "all done" and "milk" and understands the words "bannana" and "bath."
He's also cruising really well, making circuits around the living room, holding on to anything about 18 inches high. He's stood on his own sporadically, no more than a second or two. We've given a lower kitchen cabinet over to him, and he loves pulling out all the pot lids and banging them around for hours. He's figured out how to unlatch the baby gate, so we now need to keep it locked. He also has started "reading" books on his own, flipping the pages. His favorite seems to be Goodnight Moon. Perhaps the cutest thing he's started doing is carrying things around in his mouth while crawling. It's all about efficiency for him, though we think it just makes him look like a puppy.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Xander and Great Grandpa
October and November have meant lots of trips for the family. In addition to flying to New Hampshire (see post below), we also flew to Albuquerque to visit Micah's grandfather and aunts and uncles. We stayed with Great-Grandpa George in his very nice apartment near downtown Albuquerque. (Click on any photo to see more on our Flickr site)
Xander and Great Grandpa
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
We saw Micah's aunt's Deb and Rebecca, and their families (Keith and Chris, respectively). I really enjoyed seeing Keith's under-construction adobe home (passive solar heat, courtyard and hand made adobe bricks). Great Grandpa George took us to a fabulous Indian restaurant (Taj Mahal), where Xander proceeded to eat an entire plate of saag paneer.
When we came back, Xander had two birthday packages--blocks from Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Denis and nice warm pants and top from Great Aunt Su-Z. Xander takes great pleasure in demolishing block towers. He also got a birthday gift certificate to a local toy store from Aunt Jen and Uncle Steve. He picked out (ok, Mom picked out) a wooden backhoe and a pounding bench. Xander knows how to pound. Thank you for all the birthday wishes and gifts!
Last week, Lauren flew up to Portland for a company retreat and briefly saw Xander's cousin Kayman, who is six months old, and Auntie Em and Uncle Vince. Kayman is a little charmer.
And to culminate all this fun activity, Else, our backyard neighbor, brought home an 8-week old puppy last weekend. Xander, who loves to chase Bootsy and the small dog at daycare, proceeded to go after the puppy. However, after being assaulted by the puppy's overeager licking, and having his socks gnawed on, Xander decided he didn't really want to be that close to the puppy.
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Hampshire October Visit
The family spent Columbus Day (Indigenous People's Day) weekend in New Hampshire. It was a brief visit, but worth the looong (14+ hours) travel time there and back. It was wonderful seeing Grandma Dixie, Betsy, Bob, Anne Marie, Greg, and meeting Hillary. The leaves were in full color, and the weather was crisp and sunny.
Before we left to fly back to the Bay Area, we visited with Great-grandma Connie. She said of Xander: "He's certainly not stupid, is he?" Nope, he's a smart little guy.
What's he doing now? He can follow simple directions, like "Come to mommy sweet baby-boo." and "No, don't pull on Bootsy's ears". He smiles all the time, especially at parties, and when offered sweet potatoes. He loves throwing balls and experimenting with gravity. He crawls super-fast, and pulls himself up on everything--pantlegs, coffee tables, the djembe drum, cabinets. The other day he said "hi daddy" (really!) and he's started to say "ma ma" very distinctly.
One year old almost!

Daddy and Xander Looking at View
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Beware of Cute Costumes
Happy Halloween!
We celebrated Xander's 1st birthday a week early, and had a costume party with some of his (and our) friends. Babies in attendance included 9 month old Dahlia and Bella, 6 month old Renato, and 2- year old Kat. There were no meltdowns, so we consider it a success. Xander tore apart his birthday pumpkin muffin.

BabyHalloween 028
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Summer Update
Oh, it's beginning to be very difficult to update this with any frequency!
Xander is becoming a big boy now. He is scooching around on his belly in a one-armed one-legged army crawl, and pretty mobile. He loves playing with boxes, especially yelling into them to hear the loud sound. He smiles at everyone, and is a regular party animal--kicking, laughing, swinging his arms when it's late and he wants to stay up with the big kids (the adults). He is eating all kinds of smooshy food that we make him--avocado, banana, sweet potato, tofu, lentils, you name it, but he still doesn't have any teeth. His hair is definitely reddish--strawberry blond--and he frequently comes home from daycare with a little mohawk. He's interested in all kinds of small items that he shouldn't play with--shoelaces, electrical cords, eyeglasses. He is chattering away--saying dada to Micah and mamamama to me.
We're having a great time watching this little guy grow up.
Click on the photo for more pictures, including some more from the Berkeley kite festival.

Mommy and Xander at Berkeley Kite Festival
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Xander Eating by Himself
Xander Eating by Himself
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Friday, July 24, 2009
After a long hiatus, more Xander pics
It's been nearly 2 months since we put up new photos, oh dear! In June, Xander's cousin Kayman Kingston was born, all 5 lbs 14 oz of him. We went to visit him in Portland, OR on Fourth of July weekend. Mommy Emma and Daddy Vince hosted eight out of town guests.
Here's Emma and Baby K.
In June, Xander perfected sitting up on his own, and in July he's perfected rolling as a form of locomotion. We put him on the rug sitting up, go into the kitchen to make some food, and look out two minutes later and he's rolled off the rug and is halfway under the couch.
He also loves eating solid foods. We're making him fresh baby food. He's had sweet potatoes, peas, spinach, banana, oatmeal, egg yolk, avocado, carrot, apple, chicken, and his favorite: pear.
Just last week he began to sleep through the night with some consistency.
He's a cheerful, curious, active little boy, and we expect he'll be crawling within two weeks or so. Got to babyproof now!

Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Much Traveling
The whole family went to the east coast in May. First stop was Miriam & Mattias' wedding in DC. It was a beautiful wedding, in an intimate chapel in Georgetown. They are a very happy couple.
Grandma Dixie was in town for the wedding, and Lauren, Dixie and Xander flew down to South Carolina to visit with Xander's Auntie Jen and Uncle Steve. Micah stayed in VA to attend a work conference.
Xander was a great traveler--he only cried at the very end of our 18-hour trip from SC back to SF.
He's now beginning to sit up and his favorite word right now is da-da-da-da-da-da-da. That and blowing raspberries.

Oooh, ice water!
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Baby's First Camping Trip
Last weekend the family camped in Yosemite at Hodgdon Meadows Campground. We were originally intending to go climbing (taking turns with some friends watching Xander while we went up the rock) but two bum shoulders prevented that. Instead we hiked, carrying Xander in a baby backpack. On Friday, while hiking the Four Mile Trail, it started to snow a bit.
Weather was chilly - 55 to 65 during the day and down to 32 at night--but we had Xander in a snuggly white bunting borrowed from a friend. He looked like a little polar bear cub. He slept between us in the tent and was really cozy and warm all night.
What else is Xander doing? Here's a list:
- babbling and practicing "goo" "koo" thhppbbt" and "aaaah"
- reaching for Bootsie
- flirting with the girls at daycare
- transferring toys from one hand to the other
- experimenting with gravity by dropping things
- eagerly lunging for spoonfuls of oatmeal
- waking up multiple times in the night for snuggles
- laughing after being held upside down
- waiting to roll over until he's good and ready
Click on the photo for more pictures from our trip.
Baby's First Camping Trip - Hodgdon Meadows, Yosemite
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Nudie Shot!
It's so hard to keep up with all the photos we take. Now that I'm at work three days a week, I have a lot less free time to post photos. Xander is now five months old.
What's he doing?
- doing pushups during tummy time
- cracking up when he sees dogs run around
- riling up all the other kids in baby yoga by laughing
- starting on rice cereal
- not sleeping through the night
- smiling and snuggling up to people
- reaching for forks, placemats, plates, bowls, anything else he can pull off the table
- transferring toys from one hand to the other
- grabbing his toes
- getting really chubby
- rotating azimuthally (ask Micah)
- screeching, squeaking, burbling, grunting and otherwise trying to communicate verbally
In short, he's really amazing, and has become quite an aware little guy. He loves daycare (they love him) and comes home in Sophie's underwear once in a while (!) He's very calm and happy most of the time. He loves people and is now becoming more and more interested in toys. He's a joy to be with.

Nudie Shot!
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Friday, March 13, 2009
Where'd you get that sideways hat, man?
You just buy a normal one and turn it sideways.

Where'd you get that sideways hat, man?
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Where'd you get that sideways hat, man?
You just buy a normal one and turn it sideways.

Where'd you get that sideways hat, man?
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Why are you taking all these pictures of me?
More photos! Xander is four months old now. What's he doing?
Laughing & squealing when mommy tickles him with her hair
Holding his head up while on his tummy
Rotating 90 degrees when on his tummy
Beginning to roll over (and off a pad at yoga class when mommy wasn't looking-bad mommy!)
Staring at his hands, amazed.
Sitting with a little help
Standing with a lot of help
Being carried like a football.
Wondering why his parents are constantly taking photos of him.
Click on the photo to see lots more photos!

why are you taking all these pictures of me?
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hovering Baby
Come in Houston, this is Space Shuttle Alexander, requesting permission to land.

Hovering Baby
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Ann and Baby
Xander is apparently stunned at his sudden luck with the older ladies.

Ann and Baby
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Dahlia, Micah, Kelly, Xander, Matt
Xander is making the rounds. Here he's contemplating how to ask Matt if he can date his daughter Dahlia. I've tried to explain to Xander that he's a little old for Dahlia and he should look in the three to four month range. Dahlia meanwhile is practicing her cuddling with Micah while her mom Kelly looks on.

Dahlia, Micah, Kelly, Xander, Matt
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Happy About First Overalls
Ah yes, first overalls. He's looking like a young man now. Soon we'll buy him a hammer.

Happy About First Overalls
Oh no, how soon he becomes unhappy with his first overalls.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Young Man
Xander is growing by leaps and bounds. He's now 14 lbs. He can hold his head and chest up when he's on his tummy. He's beginning to laugh. And he's becoming really interested in the other kids at daycare.
Soon, he'll probably start to cut teeth. Micah and I are waiting until he seems interested in food before we start feeding him solids. He sits on mommy or daddy's lap at most meals, and watches us eat.
He sleeps from about 9 pm to 3 am, then has a bit of food, and goes back to sleep for another three hours.
Oh, check out Yo Gabba Gabba, there's a party in my tummy. That will be our life in about two years.

Young Man
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Monday, January 26, 2009
He'll grow into it
You got to start them early. Training wheels, shmaining wheels.

He'll grow into it
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
These are my toys and I'm not giving them up
His favorite by far is the library lion on the right. Greenbean, dragonfly and bug on a flower are close seconds.

These are my toys and I'm not giving them up
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Friday, January 23, 2009
Holding Rattle
Grammy Dixie asked for at least a photo a week, so here are some more.
I started work this week, so Xander went to daycare for a full day on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. It's pretty exhausting for me, but I'll get used to it. It is very nice to get things done at work though. At home, I get stuff done based on baby time--ten minutes here, ten minutes there.
Xander is beginning to grab and hold things now. He also tries to lift his head when he's on his back. He enjoys flying with daddy and is starting to laugh. He smiles when he sees us.

Holding Rattle
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Xander's First Beach Trip
Today was a big day for Xander. After waking up at 6:30 am, he spent the morning playing with his parents.
At noon, the whole family went to the gym. Xander slept while mommy and daddy took turns bouldering and stretching. Mommy weighed Xander on the gym scale and discovered that he weighs fourteen pounds now--almost double his birth weight.
It was an unusually warm day, about 70 degrees, so the family spent the afternoon at Stinson Beach. During his first trip to the beach Xander managed to get sand on his head and in his ear. (Just a few windblown grains.) Though daddy threatened to dip Xander's little baby feet in the freezing cold ocean, mommy intervened.
In the evening, Xander reached out with both hands to grab a toy hanging in front of him. This is the first time he has been able to do that.
Xander is now sleeping peacefully, clean after a bath, full after a meal, and ready to go to daycare tomorrow.

Xander's First Beach Trip
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Friday, January 16, 2009
Even More Nicknames
- Mr. Moop
- Wonderbug
- Grumplestiltskins
- Cutie-cutes
- Mr. Kicks-a-lot
- Mr. Burps-a-lot
- Sweetie-bert
- Boo-boo (also the nickname of Jen & Steve's dog Gear)
- Mr. Fuss-bert
- Sir Fuss-a-lot
- Xander Bander
- Mr. Poops-a-lot
- Mr. Farts-a-lot
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Xander Gets a Bath
I just had to post this photo, because Xander is so cute when he gets his bath. He usually enjoys it a lot.

Xander Gets a Bath
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Xander's Big Trip
Keri & her boy Michael visited from New York this week and spent lots of time holding Xander. Baby loves to sleep on Keri's shoulder.
Keri, Xander and I went on BART and Muni to see the Urban Garden for the Environment (Keri's friend Blair gave us a tour) and the California Academy of Sciences (Keri's friend Rachel gave us a tour). It was a big day, and Xander did really well.
We had a trial run of daycare yesterday, which went well. It will be difficult to pump enough milk for him to drink during the day, though. I'm trying to build up a several-day supply.
He starts daycare three days a week on January 19th. I'm looking forward to being back at work, but concerned about by ability to ballance everything.
Click on the photo for more photos of Xander's trip

Keri and Xander
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Friday, January 2, 2009
Smiley Guy
Xander is eight weeks old now, and seems like a little man. He smiles and goos and coos and is a sweet charmer.
We spent Christmas at Grandma Dixie's in Massachusetts. Xander met his great aunts, uncles and first cousins once removed. He also met Great-grandma Connie.
Xander did really well on the flights--he didn't fuss too much, and it was easy to soothe him when he did. The only snag is that our stroller and car seat that we checked at the gate didn't make it to San Francisco. They left all the strollers and car seats in Boston, so there were eight families from the flight dealing with baggage claim at 11:30 pm after a nearly 7 hour flight. They lent us all car seats. We were supposed to get our stuff today, but they haven't dropped it off yet.
Click on the photo to see more from Christmas.

Smiley Guy
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland