Afternoon naps are so good.

Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Come in Houston, this is Space Shuttle Alexander, requesting permission to land.
Xander is apparently stunned at his sudden luck with the older ladies.
Xander is making the rounds. Here he's contemplating how to ask Matt if he can date his daughter Dahlia. I've tried to explain to Xander that he's a little old for Dahlia and he should look in the three to four month range. Dahlia meanwhile is practicing her cuddling with Micah while her mom Kelly looks on.
Ah yes, first overalls. He's looking like a young man now. Soon we'll buy him a hammer.
Oh no, how soon he becomes unhappy with his first overalls.
Xander is growing by leaps and bounds. He's now 14 lbs. He can hold his head and chest up when he's on his tummy. He's beginning to laugh. And he's becoming really interested in the other kids at daycare.
Soon, he'll probably start to cut teeth. Micah and I are waiting until he seems interested in food before we start feeding him solids. He sits on mommy or daddy's lap at most meals, and watches us eat.
He sleeps from about 9 pm to 3 am, then has a bit of food, and goes back to sleep for another three hours.
Oh, check out Yo Gabba Gabba, there's a party in my tummy. That will be our life in about two years.