Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby's First Camping Trip

Last weekend the family camped in Yosemite at Hodgdon Meadows Campground. We were originally intending to go climbing (taking turns with some friends watching Xander while we went up the rock) but two bum shoulders prevented that. Instead we hiked, carrying Xander in a baby backpack. On Friday, while hiking the Four Mile Trail, it started to snow a bit.

Weather was chilly - 55 to 65 during the day and down to 32 at night--but we had Xander in a snuggly white bunting borrowed from a friend. He looked like a little polar bear cub. He slept between us in the tent and was really cozy and warm all night.

What else is Xander doing? Here's a list:

  • babbling and practicing "goo" "koo" thhppbbt" and "aaaah"
  • reaching for Bootsie
  • flirting with the girls at daycare
  • transferring toys from one hand to the other
  • experimenting with gravity by dropping things
  • eagerly lunging for spoonfuls of oatmeal
  • waking up multiple times in the night for snuggles
  • laughing after being held upside down
  • waiting to roll over until he's good and ready

    Click on the photo for more pictures from our trip.

    Baby's First Camping Trip - Hodgdon Meadows, Yosemite
    Originally uploaded by lauren buckland

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nudie Shot!

It's so hard to keep up with all the photos we take. Now that I'm at work three days a week, I have a lot less free time to post photos. Xander is now five months old.

What's he doing?

  • doing pushups during tummy time
  • cracking up when he sees dogs run around
  • riling up all the other kids in baby yoga by laughing
  • starting on rice cereal
  • not sleeping through the night
  • smiling and snuggling up to people
  • reaching for forks, placemats, plates, bowls, anything else he can pull off the table
  • transferring toys from one hand to the other
  • grabbing his toes
  • getting really chubby
  • rotating azimuthally (ask Micah)
  • screeching, squeaking, burbling, grunting and otherwise trying to communicate verbally

In short, he's really amazing, and has become quite an aware little guy. He loves daycare (they love him) and comes home in Sophie's underwear once in a while (!) He's very calm and happy most of the time. He loves people and is now becoming more and more interested in toys. He's a joy to be with.

Nudie Shot!
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland