Yummers Sweet Potato!
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Oh, it's beginning to be very difficult to update this with any frequency!
Xander is becoming a big boy now. He is scooching around on his belly in a one-armed one-legged army crawl, and pretty mobile. He loves playing with boxes, especially yelling into them to hear the loud sound. He smiles at everyone, and is a regular party animal--kicking, laughing, swinging his arms when it's late and he wants to stay up with the big kids (the adults). He is eating all kinds of smooshy food that we make him--avocado, banana, sweet potato, tofu, lentils, you name it, but he still doesn't have any teeth. His hair is definitely reddish--strawberry blond--and he frequently comes home from daycare with a little mohawk. He's interested in all kinds of small items that he shouldn't play with--shoelaces, electrical cords, eyeglasses. He is chattering away--saying dada to Micah and mamamama to me.
We're having a great time watching this little guy grow up.
Click on the photo for more pictures, including some more from the Berkeley kite festival.