Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week 20 or so

This was taken June 7th, when it was really hot out. I'm wearing a dress Grandma Georgia helped me make (she helped me fit it). That's Micah's bike in the picture.

Picture with Bike
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland


We're off to Norway for a week! Micah is presenting at a physics conference, and I'll be walking around the medieval town of Trondheim. He managed to come up with some new discoveries yesterday, so he'll be talking about something no one else has done--exciting!

Baby is really moving around now. Micah felt him kick last night. You could actually see my belly move.

I'm getting bigger by the day, too. I'm up to four meals a day.

We'll post pictures and stories from our trip.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Week 20

We've reached the halfway point! Hard to believe it is already here. At the 20-week appointment on Tuesday, they measured my belly by putting a measuring tape going up the center of my belly (pubic bone to top of uterus). I'm 20 cm. We listened to baby's heart beat and the doctor could hear when he was kicking. Now I realize that all those little plips and pops and things I thought were intestinal workings are baby movements. He's a very active little one.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Belly Week 17 or so.

So, I meant to do some sort of cool art project that involved taking pictures every week in the same position and meshing them together in a video, but have failed to take more than four photos. But even so, the photos are kind of cool.

Belly Week 17 or so.
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland