The photo is from last week, but I'm already bigger. I don't look too happy because my back was hurting. I gave up biking to work because of it. Now I walk 1/2 mile to the bus stop or *gasp* drive to work.
This weekend Micah and I spent a lot of time organizing and cleaning the house and comparison shopping for the furniture we need--a glider chair for nursing, a new desk and desk chair for Micah, a new, possibly bigger bed for us, and a rug for the office/nursing room/studio.
I went to yoga class on Saturday and saw a woman from our hypnobirthing class--she's one week overdue and they want to induce her. She's trying all kinds of things to naturally induce labor--including eggplant parmesan and spicy pizza, walking, intimate relations with her husband. Another woman from our class gave birth 3 weeks early and it was less than three hours from her water breaking to delivery. First child, too.
My last day of work is Oct 17th, and I'm looking forward to having a week to relax and get the last things in order, and get some sleep before the little one comes along and changes everything.

Thirty Five Weeks
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
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