Alexander is now two weeks and one day old. We're adjusting to baby time. It's amazing the difference between getting woken up ever hour versus getting woken up every three hours.
Micah and I are learning how to understand Xander's cries. There's the crying and rooting (hungry), the scrunched up wiggle worm (pooping), the dying cat wail (you aren't responding fast enough!), the quiet ah-lah (I've forgotten what I was crying about, but I'm still crying but I'm also kind of sleepy...), the constant fuss (change my diaper) and the less dramatic fuss (hold me).
We also have fallen into a routine--Micah has been making most meals, which is great since he's such a good cook. I'm feeding Xander every 2-3 hours. We take turns on diapers except at night when Micah does diaper duty while I wake up to nurse. Micah's managed to get in a bunch of bike rides and going in to work. I generally either sleep, do chores, or take walks with Xander when I'm not nursing him. I got a chance to go swimming the other day, too.
We both agree that he's the best thing that ever happened to us.

Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
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