Wednesday, August 6, 2008

really fuzzy photo of ultrasound on May 8th

This is from the second ultrasound we had--the first picture of baby looking like more than a little jellybean. It's a side view of him--youc an see his belly, ribs, then his little head, nose and mouth. The still photos don't do the ultrasound justice--it is amazing to see how much he moves--he's very active. When I feel him move these days, he bumps around regularly for about 10 minutes then calms down and sleeps. Once I felt him with hiccups.

My next ultrasound is scheduled for weeks 37/38 to see if he's in the proper birthing position- head down.

photo of ultrasound on May 8th
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland

1 comment:

Unknown said...

THAT's an amazing photo! So sweet ..Take care
Love Mom