This photo is a few weeks old--taken on July 26th. I now weigh as much as Micah!
Fortunately, almost all my maternity clothes are borrowed or used. For new items, I've purchased a bathing suit, two pairs of pants, two tops and two bras new for about $300. In contrast, I have two drawers of borrowed clothes, and a (used) skirt, three tops, and a pair of pants for $70.
We're beginning to figure out how to organize/rearrange our house to accommodate baby. The idea right now is to block off one half of our house into an extended bedroom/private area with no kitty access using walk-through pet gates and have baby sleep with us in a cosleeper in our bedroom.
We finished hypnobirthing classes last week, but continue to practice.
Tomorrow we go to our first newborn care class--free through my health insurance! We're also signed up for classes to learn about "what to expect in the hospital" and breastfeeding.
We have a busy next three months!

Micah and Lauren and Junior
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Charlie and I never did all that you and Micah are doing. At least you'll know what to expect.
Love Mom.
yes, but look how good jen and I turned out...
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