Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Two Wednesday's ago, was one of those fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants days. Tuesday afternoon, our nanny found out she had a mid-day event on Wednesday she had to attend So, Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, I scrambled to find last-minute child care for Kai, but it didn't come through. Since Micah just started his job and is an hour (minimum) commute away, he has very little flexibility  I ended up shifting my work schedule so I could watch Kai from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Be it kids getting sick or Xander's school vacation/inservice/holidays, we end up needing emergency care several times a month. I use a service that pre-screens sitters and books them for you, and I can often flex my hours to take care of the kids. However, I really wish we had nearby family who could watch the kids in a pinch.
Boys playing together nicely--no whining, no crying.

Colby Park. This park is a little oval island, encircled by a narrow street.
Really nice Craftsman homes all around.  It's home to occasional evening movie events,
and the annual neighborhood  Easter Egg Hunt.

One benefit of watching Kai last week: I got to spend some much needed quality time with him. He's beginning to communicate--verbally and with body language. He waves "adios" and when prompted, will blow a kiss. I can't remember how communicative Xander was at this age (15 months), but I feel like I'm anxiously awaiting Kai's ability to talk. 

Xander's thought process and communication skills are rapidly expanding. Just recently, he started singing songs. He'll play legos or trains and absentmindedly sing a song, or act goofy as he sings a tune with madeup words. He brings home a new mannerism almost every week from school.

Oh, in case you're wondering, we did have corned beef and cabbage last week, and everyone, even Kai, ate some.

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