Seasons in the Bay Area are subtle, particularly in comparison to New England seasons. As a child, I recall standing outside barefoot on the patio in shorts and a t-shirt, thinking how incredible it was that in six months, it would be 20 degrees with a foot of snow. Here in Oakland, we have an
average low of 51 degrees and an average high of 65 degrees. Sounds great, right? Most of the time, it is. I love being able to barbecue for New Years Day, but hate having to wear a parka to watch fireworks. And there's no fall color, no fireflies, and no thunderstorms.
But, around Micah's birthday in March, spring starts full swing. Here are some photos of our side yard, with bulbs we planted last fall.
Our neighbor's quince |
Light pink quince. Blue skies that will we see until fog starts in June. |
Quince, tropical-like plant I don't know the name of. |
Daffodils on the side walk, with Xander's truck. |
More of the side yard. Our landlady's kids live in the back cottage. You can see our emergency earthquake kit to the right of the path. |
And here's some pictures of our Saturday morning breakfast. Pancakes (recipie courtesy Tassajara Bread Book), strawberries, bananas, sausage, and tea.
Do I look tired? I am tired. Kids are not letting us sleep these days. |
Yum! Nom-nom-nom. |
Mommy, I won't squeeze the box. (He squeezes the box.) |
Let me do it myself, mom. |
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