Forty-one weeks and 35 pounds ago....
Less than a week to go until baby is out and cooing, gurgling and pooping!

Week 11 or so
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
Forty-one weeks and 35 pounds ago....
Less than a week to go until baby is out and cooing, gurgling and pooping!
For his first Halloween, I dressed baby up as a pumpkin. Note the resemblance to the round, red ball at the top right of the picture.
You have a lot on your plate already and the world seems to be piling more upon it each day. A grim situation which you can't wait to be free from looks as if it is determined to hover for a while longer. You are beginning to lose faith in the notion that one day, things will be easier and lighter. But the thunderous noise that you can hear in the distance is not an imminent heavy storm. It is the sound of hooves. A cosmic cavalry is riding to your rescue. Soon you will have a real cause for great celebration.
I just finished sewing a baby sweater for junior. In the photo below, Micah holds Phineas Picnic (bunny knitted for me by Danette) who is modeling the sweater. I used fabric from a cashmere sweater that I accidentally shrunk and added a fish applique and blanket-stitched yarn around the edges. I have two more shrunken sweaters to transform into baby items. One will become a blanket, the other, maybe another sweater.
This photostream is pretty cool-check out all the designs she's used to paint the belly.
I'm off work now, and it's so nice! I've been cooking and freezing food for post-baby, running errands, planting mums in containers in the back, cleaning house, and try to walk a bit each day. This evening is prenatal yoga--maybe (hopefully?) my last class. Tomorrow is a prenatal visit and I scheduled an at-home massage. Mom flies in on Sunday, and hopefully baby will come along before she leaves on the 2nd of November.
Last night Danette came over and we made a plaster cast of my torso. It's drying here in this picture. I'm thinking of a few ideas for it..and am accepting suggestions. :)
No, not yet, junior has not arrived. But I wanted to share one of the half dozen pictures I've collected of cute things. Rather than use a candle, or a rock, or a peacefull image to focus on while in labor I'm going to have a whole bunch of pictures of really cute things that make me feel giddy. I'll report back and let you know if it works.
This is probably the most surreal view of my larger-and-larger belly. I gained 1 pound this week, 3 pounds the week before. I'm just now beginning to want to stop being pregnant. It's kind of like wishing for Christmas to come, except with shortness of breath, inability to pick anything up from the floor, aching hips keeping me up at night, and exhaustion.