I'm off work now, and it's so nice! I've been cooking and freezing food for post-baby, running errands, planting mums in containers in the back, cleaning house, and try to walk a bit each day. This evening is prenatal yoga--maybe (hopefully?) my last class. Tomorrow is a prenatal visit and I scheduled an at-home massage. Mom flies in on Sunday, and hopefully baby will come along before she leaves on the 2nd of November.
Last night Danette came over and we made a plaster cast of my torso. It's drying here in this picture. I'm thinking of a few ideas for it..and am accepting suggestions. :)
- Halloween costume for Micah
- paint it navy blue, drill little constellation-type holes in it and light it from behind
- paint it with a henna-type design
- make it waterproof,hang it on the wall and have plants growing out of the top
- flip it over and use it as a fruit bowl
- use it as a slightly inappropriate centerpiece during a dinner party

Plaster Cast of Belly 39 Weeks 5 days
Originally uploaded by lauren buckland
I vote for the cast to be used as a fruit bowl and centerpiece! :) Miss you but it sounds like you're enjoying your time away from work.
Can it be my halloween costume next year?
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